Simulation Tool

FDTD (Finite-difference time-domain method)

FDTD is the gold-standard for modeling nanophotonic devices, processes, and materials. This finely-tuned implementation of the FDTD method delivers reliable, powerful, and scalable solver performance over a broad spectrum of applications. The integrated design environment provides scripting capability, advanced post-processing, and optimization routines – allowing you to focus on your design and leave the rest to us.



RCWA (Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis)

The RCWA simulation is very unique, useful tool optimized for periodic structures like grating and photonic crystal. It takes a special algorism called the ‘Fourier Space Method’ which expands structures and fields on some harmonics basis. We can derive semi-analytical solutions for a lot of parameters (mainly for geometrical parameters like heights, diameters, periods, etc.) in a short time.



FEM (Finite Element Method)

The FEM method is one of the keys to getting the general electromagnetic solution applicable for complex, randomly shaped structures. This allows arbitrary photonic structures divided into many infinitesimal tetrahedral (or customed) meshes enough to approx the maxwell equations to be linear. Once the simulation is finished and electromagnetic profiles are gotten, users can derive not only many basic physical but also customizable quantities. Thanks to these high degrees of freedom, calculations on relatively complex expressions and structures are available such as multipole expansion and multiphysics. We’re using Comsol(R) Multiphysics(TM) 5.4 ver. for FEM.


FDTD (Finite-difference time-domain method)

FDTD is the gold-standard for modeling nanophotonic devices, processes, and materials. This finely-tuned implementation of the FDTD method delivers reliable, powerful, and scalable solver performance over a broad spectrum of applications. The integrated design environment provides scripting capability, advanced post-processing, and optimization routines – allowing you to focus on your design and leave the rest to us.

