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Welcome to our laboratory, where we specialize in the exciting field of optical-related nanophonics. Our research encompasses the entire experiment process, including the manufacturing, measurement, and simulation of samples that interact with light at the nanoscale.

Through our cutting-edge manufacturing process, we produce samples of various scales, ranging from nanometers to micrometers, with a particular focus on creating samples that exhibit unique optical properties and interactions. Our measurement process is a critical component of our work, as it allows us to verify the characteristics and reliability of our samples in real-world conditions. Finally, our simulation process enables us to optimize the manufacturing process and conduct secondary reliability verification by matching our results with data obtained from our measurements.

Our lab is dedicated to advancing the field of optical-related nanophonics through rigorous research and experimentation, with the ultimate goal of developing innovative optical devices and systems that have the potential to transform the way we interact with light at the nanoscale.



C O N T A C T   U S

(031) 201-3883
주소 : 경기도 용인시 기흥구 덕영대로 1732